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Background music or paging. AM/FM, CD, Satellite Radio, or Streaming Audio. A single room or many. Audio only, or video too. We'll design a system to match your needs. Whether you need a very simple system or something more complex, we'll be happy to see how we can meet your needs.

Here are a couple examples of projects we've done:
(Click on pictures to see full sized images)

Multi-Room Office Audio System

A Work in Progress
See the speaker?  Fits right in.
Another View of the Completed Install

The client's desire was for sound to be available in different rooms in the office. We installed one speaker in each smaller room that required sound and put multiple speakers in the lobby area. Volume controls were put in the wall in a convenient location for the staff to be able to adjust the sound to the proper level.

Closer View of Installed Ceiling Speaker
The Source Equipment & Amplifier

At the point that we were called in on this project there was already an existing sound system in the office, but the clients were not pleased with the sound quality that they were getting and they wanted to expand the system to newly added areas in the office. As you can see in the last picture, they had a variety of sources to choose from when we arrived: AM/FM, CD or Satellite Radio depending on their mood or the needs of the day. We were able to incorporate much of their existing equipment into the system that we designed for them, saving them money and allowing them to continue to use components that they were already familiar with, while still achieving their goal of system expansion and greatly improved sound quality.

Rolling Equipment Rack

Finished Rack Install 1
Finished Rack Install 2
Finished Rack Install 3
Max Working on a Rack Install

Racks are good. We like racks.

In many installations there is a need to have a large amount of equipment stored in one accessible and organized location. With the use of rolling equipment racks like the ones shown here we are able to put many of the essential components together in one unit. The pieces of the system are organized in the rack in a logical way that allow for user access, clean signal & power wire runs, and proper venting of equipment. In this way we can have audio equipment, video equipment, power & surge protection, and storage all together. And having lockable wheels on the rack allows for easy access to the rear of the equipment for installation, system updates, and servicing.

The first three images you are seeing above are from the installation of a multipurpose system in a local facility. The system was designed to allow for viewing of standard TV, DVDs, computer presentations, etc. on multiple plasma screens while hearing the audio through a number of speakers installed in the facility. The audio controls also let the users listen to radio, CDs, or to dial up wired or wireless microphones depending on the needs of the day. You can see in the pictures that the units have been labeled in order to make the operation of the system easier for the end users. By having all the equipment in one place, the system operator has everything they need at their fingertips when it comes to configuring the system to meet the situation.

Whatever the requirements are for your office, workplace, or facility, we'll design
a system that gives you the results you're looking for.

Let us help you meet the needs of your organization, your clients, your vendors, and your staff.


Can you imagine? We can.

We Remain... At Your Service.

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1071 Five Points Rd. //////// Indiana, PA 15701
Phone -- (724) 801-7000
Web -- www.dougvarnersoundcompany.com
E-Mail -- dvsc@dougvarner.com